As the 2023 application season draws close, MIS graduates have delivered another exciting answer.
Statistics show that the average MIS graduate holds 5 offers from the top universities, and all of them are accepted by the world"s Top100 universities, among which the admission rate of the world"s Top50 universities is as high as 85%, keeping up an excellent trend. Each offer shines, reflecting the world"s top universities" recognition of MIS graduates" academic strength.
As a mainstream application country, the UK is undoubtedly the most popular among students this year. So far, MIS graduates have received four offers from UCL, a G5 university, and 6 offers from the University of the Arts London, a top arts institution. In addition, offers from Manchester University, King"s College London, University of Toronto, and other top universities are also pouring in.
Part of the offers received so far:
UCL4 Offers
QS World Ranking No. 8
Mechanical Engineering
Electronic&Electrical Engineering
Applied Medical Science
Goldsmith1 Offer
QS World Subject Ranking No.12
UAL6 Offers
QS World Ranking No. 2
Fine Art
Fashion DesignX2
Product DesignX2
HongKong University5 Offers
QS World Ranking No. 21
Biomedical Science
University of Edinburgh2 Offers
QS World Ranking No.15
Mathematics and Business
UniversityofManchester5 Offers
QS World Ranking No.28
International Business
Biological & Medical Science
King"s College London4 Offers
QS World Ranking No.37
General Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Biological & Medical Science
University of Melbourne3Offers
QS World Ranking No.33
Australia Ranking No. 1
Biological & Medical ScienceX2
HKUST2 Offers
QS World Ranking No. 40
Mathematics & Economics
City University of HK2 Offers
QS World Ranking No.54
Computing Mathematics
Electronics Engineering
Bristol University 3 Offers
QS World Ranking No.61
Mechanical Engineering
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Warwick University 3 Offers
QS World Ranking No.64
Biomedical and Science
Hong Kong Ploytechnic University1 Offer
QS World Ranking No.65
SouthamptonUniversity 2 Offers
QS World Ranking No.78
Biomedical and Science
Birmingham University 1 Offer
QS World Ranking No.91
Digital Media and Communications
Sheffield University 4 Offers
QS World Ranking No.96
Biomedical and Science
Electrical Engineering
Business Management and Economics
Utrecht University1 Offer
QS World Ranking No.112
Economics and Business
Nottingham University 1 Offer
QS World Ranking No.114
Electrical Engineering
Lancaster University 4Offers
QS World Ranking No.146
Economics & Math
University for the
Creative Arts1 Offer
QS World Subject Ranking No.150
Fashion Design
Liverpool University 1 Offer
QS UK Ranking No.190
Biomedical and Science
In addition, the "hot application" in Hong Kong"s elite schools in recent years has also been confirmed. The University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and other universities representing the highest level of education in Hong Kong have sought olive branches to the MIS graduates. The University of Hong Kong has issued our students five offers and full scholarships.
Thanks to the concept of "holistic education" advocated by MIS, in this year"s application season, we are delighted to find that the graduates of the class of 2023 pay more attention to their interests when applying for "dream school" to choose a suitable schools and majors. In addition to the popular disciplines of economics and biomedicine, this year"s graduates will pursue their dreams in media, mechanical engineering, and other majors and make themselves unique in their exploration and pursuit.
In addition to the comprehensive elite schools, in the professional schools, MIS graduates have consistently shown a strong performance in visual and performing arts. The offers from the University of the Arts London, the University of Leeds, and other leading art universities in the world demonstrate the excellence of MIS holistic education.
Alexander hasreceived four offers and full scholarships from Hong Kong University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HongKong Ploytechnic University and City University of Hong Kong, majoring in Computing Mathematics and Science respectively.
Anesidora has received offers from TheUniversityof Warwick, TheUniversityof Sheffield, Universityof Southampton as well as TheUniversityofMelbourne in Australia, majoring in Biomedical and Science, but her ideal university is UCL andwe wish her the best of luck.
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